Wednesday, January 7, 2009


How is it that a business, which job is to communicate information to the public, is so very awful at the very concept of "communication?"

When it comes to broadcasting the news, we are definitely in the top three, however it boggles the mind as to how we stay on air everyday given the complete lack of internal communication.

People just don't talk to each other. When there are problems, they need to be addressed to all those affected. When there is a change to a show, people directly involved with that show need to be told. When there is a staff meeting, tell the people you want to come, when that same meeting is cancelled, same courtesy please. Way too often people assume. Not to beat the cliche horse, but as it goes,
ASS = U & ME

It is spelled that way for a reason.

If all business ran the way this one does, then NASA would have a control room full of people who failed Algebra I; illiterate authors would be writing all our books; lifeguards would be in the shallow end with floaties on their wrists; color-blind artists would be painting portraits; and deaf 911 operators answering our calls.

It is often quite amazing to me just how bad it can be. Too much is assumed and not enough is communicated to the people who need to be 'in the know.'

Like MLK, I also have a dream. Mine is to live in a world where people talk to each other instead of this shuttle crashing, pis pour righting, rescuer drowning, pink sky/black ocean, no one can hear your crys for help, world.