Wednesday, January 6, 2010

People are 'Pretty' Pissed

A website that is getting flack for booting members off their site. is a dating website designed exclusively for the best looking people, voted in by existing members. The less than pretty have been upset by this site's existence because it excluded them. Well now the shoe is on the other foot as thousands of Zoolander wannabees are getting the same treatment. Existing pretty people getting the boot after gaining holiday weight and projecting a "less than gorgeous" exterior.

My response?

Who the hell cares?! Are we remotely surprised that a site such as this one would kick people out for letting themselves slide? It is a site for pretty people! If someone ceases to maintain that 'beautiful' standard then should have the right to kick them out. Honestly, there are worst tragedies than losing your membership from such a vain website.

For those whom have been rejected by the site or find the site offensive, well, start your own site!

Any of those sound good to me.

But seriously, there are a plethora of dating websites that cater to the masses, no matter what you look like. If sites like eHarmony, Spark, & can be based on inclusion, then why can't the opposite be allowed?

Let me take this moment to play the "USA" card. It's a free country, these people can create a private group for attractive people if they want to.

People in this damn country are so freaking sensitive. Really? Does THIS keep you up at night? If so, you need to get a support group cause your problems are bigger than this website.

Also, I am not familiar with the rules and regulations. Maybe you are required to submit new pictures every so often. But if not, then why would you upload a new less flattering picture? It is called BEAUTIFULPEOPLE.COM! You should have gotten kicked out for stupidity if nothing else.

Sure, they could have gone about it in a more socially pleasing way. Maybe give the 5,000 holiday fatties a deadline to lose the fat before ousted. Perhaps they could have given this warning upfront when members joined. But the thing is BP did send out an email telling them they could register again for the site when the extra pudge was gone.

Look, if it means that much to you, just look through a stack of old pictures and submit one of a thinner you instead of an actual up-to-date photo. Obviously your first pics got you past the velvet rope. It's the internet people, get sneaky if it means that much!


Yes, but at least they are still giving you a way back in. If you were a true conceited beauty (most people would have to be to join this site) you would welcome this wake up call and get your fat ass to the gym to work off the extra pounds. Those 5,000 should be sending thank you notes to BP for the motivation to get back in shape so they can continue to practice their narcissistic way of life.

For those of you who have not yet attempted to join - if rejection bothers you that much, ignorance is bliss, I say.