Thursday, March 26, 2009

"I can screw you over"

I am very vocal about my distaste for law enforcement officers. While many do a lot of good it is completely eclipsed by the rotten, heartless, uncaring and unsympathetic ones.

Simply put, a lot of police officers are pricks.

Recently, Texans running back Ryan Moats was pulled over for running a red light while on his way to see his dying mother-in-law. Even in the rush to see his wife's mother in her final moments, Moats took the time to slow to a near stop to make sure there was no oncoming traffic before pursuing through the red traffic light.

Was it technically illegal? Of course. But we are humans and when something as serious as a dying family member is at the focus the time comes to put down your badge and practice a little empathy. The laws were not created so they could be abused by young, apathetic cops.

A 25 year old power tripping cop with a mere 3 years of experience on the force pointed a gun at his wife when they got out of their vehicle. This "officer" held Moats for more than 20 minutes.

When he finally was able to go inside the hospital to see his mother-in-law, she had passed away just moments before he arrived.

On the upside, the department dropped the charges and issued a public apology, however to me, it is too little too late.

The spokesman for the police department said, "At no time did Mr. Moats identify himself as an NFL football player or expect any kind of special consideration,"... "He handled himself very, very well."

I have mad respect for Ryan Moats after this confrontation. He was definitely the better man.

Yet another reason for me to dislike cops.

Protect and serve? My ass.