Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Credit Card Phone Flirting?

Per request, here is a blog I wrote in January of '07 after a very odd experience.
Please to enjoy...

So maybe I should just chalk this up to cultural differences or something, but I wonder if perhaps my sexual aura is just so strong it captures everyone in its path like a tractor beam. Tell me what YOU think.

The other day I got a message on my answering machine from Capital One saying that I should call them to get my interest rate lowered. Well, my interest rate is pretty damn high, so this sounded like a good idea. And they called me, right? I am sure they will lower it at least a percent or two. Today during my trip home from 'the office' aka my dark room with lots of tv's & buttons, I decided to make that call to the credit card company. On the other line was a fairly well spoken Middle Eastern male, who sounded more robotic than human at times.

The conversation went down something like this.....

Me: I got this call from you, yada yada yada, I would like to see if my interest rate could be lowered.
Credit Man: Yes sir, let me pull up your information in the computer.
Me: Okay(While we wait for it to come up on his screen)
Credit Man: How has your morning been today?
Me: Fine, thanks.
Credit Man: Good....Did you have a good New Year holiday?
Me: Ummm......yeah, it was good.......uhh, how was your holiday?(I'm thinking, he is a nice guy, trying to make conversation while we wait)
Credit Man: Yes, I have holiday.
Me: ??? Okay.
Credit Man: Sorry, we cannot lower your interest rate at this time, yada yada yada.

Let's pause the conversation for a moment.

Why the hell did these people leave a message on my phone to call and lower this if they were not going to do it in the first place?

I have a theory......lets continue.

Me: Okay, well thanks.
Credit Man: Anything else I can help you with?
Me: No, that is it today Thanks for your help.
Credit Man: May I say something else to you?
Me: Alright
Credit Man: You sound very wonderful on the phone
Me: ??????????
Credit Man: ......................
Me: Alright, thanks. Bye

I cannot be 100 percent sure, but I think he was still talking when I hung up.

Now, am I imagining things, or was this guy hitting on me? It could definitely just be a lack in communication and the differences in the cultures, but it was pretty awkward at the time. So, my theory....they never wanted to lower my interest rate. This was a plan by credit man to get me to call him so he could talk to me and work on his game. Too bad for him I am taken.....and heterosexual.


I just must be so damn sexy, I attract both women & men across the globe!


Any opinions?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Now you need to blog about your experience on the plane to LA. ;)