Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Life is one strange, dubious trip.

Do you ever sit back and reflect on the past...however many years, and just stare blankly at this memory of your life. I feel like I just got started, but at the same time...where did the years go? Life is a series of changing friends and relationships. In the past 28 years, I have had 16 BEST least. Growing up I always thought you had one best friend your whole life and that was it, they were married to you in a platonic best friend kinda way forever. No matter what happened or where the two of you ever went, best buds for life. Wow....could it be any further from the truth?

Life is one strange trip. At times it is frustrating, exhausting, and never certain, while at other times has this exciting, copacetic existance that exudes a sublime ambience.

Either way, people will always disagree on which world we live on at any given moment.

No matter how good or bad things are today, do you ever find yourself reflecting on the "good ole days", which of course always look so much better in hindsight?

I sometimes find myself overcome with acute nostalgia for my days on the Shore. Which is part of the reason I do not want to go back [to live]. I have such great memories growing up there, I feel like if I went back now, everything now would feel shitty in comparision.

No matter how planned you think you have things, no matter how certain you believe you are of what is going to happen next, life is unscripted and bewildering. That is certain.

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